Terms & Condition

  1. Enrollment and Registration:
    - Students enrolling in our CA classes agree to comply with the institute's rules, regulations, and code of conduct.
    - Registration is confirmed upon payment of the requisite fees, which are non-refundable except as per the institute's refund policy.
  2. Attendance and Participation:
    - Students are expected to attend classes regularly and participate actively in discussions, assessments, and any required activities.
    - Failure to maintain the minimum required attendance may result in exclusion from exams or classes.
  3. Course Materials and Intellectual Property:
    - All course materials provided by the institute are intended for educational purposes only and remain the intellectual property of the institute.
    - Reproduction, distribution, or commercial use of course materials without prior consent is strictly prohibited.
  4. Fee Payments and Policies:
    - Tuition fees are to be paid as per the institute's schedule. Late payments may incur additional charges or lead to a suspension from classes.
    - The institute reserves the right to revise fees or payment terms with prior notice.
  5. Examinations and Assessments:
    - Students are required to adhere to examination rules and guidelines set by the institute.
    - Assessments, including mock tests and examinations, will be conducted in accordance with the institute's schedule and procedures.
  6. Conduct and Discipline:
    - Students are expected to maintain respectful conduct within the institute premises, adhering to ethical behavior and the institute's guidelines.
    - Any form of misconduct or violation of institute policies may result in disciplinary actions, including termination of enrollment.
  7. Refund and Cancellation Policy:
    - Refunds, if applicable, will be processed as per the institute's refund policy, subject to specific terms and conditions.
    - Cancellation requests must be submitted in accordance with the institute's cancellation policy.
  8. Confidentiality and Data Protection:
    - The institute respects students' privacy and confidentiality. Personal information provided will be handled in compliance with data protection laws.
    - Students are expected to maintain the confidentiality of institute-related information and materials.
  9. Termination of Enrollment:
    - The institute reserves the right to terminate a student's enrollment due to non-compliance with terms and conditions, academic misconduct, or breach of institute policies.
  10. Amendments and Modifications:
    - The institute reserves the right to amend or modify the terms and conditions with prior notice to students.